A blog post related in some way to music.

Antigua Carnival Presents King & Queen of the Band Competition
Location : Antigua Recreation Ground but when ?
Sun, 31. July 2016, 08:00 PM – 11:58 PM
For more info contact
(268) 462-0194 / (268) 462-4707
Spending the day in the Halcyon Rex
It’s day 7 of Antigua Holiday. I had been driving quite a lot this vacation and wanted to chill out and enjoy the Halcyon Cove experience. Fenton the resorts activity manager was around now and it was good/funny to see him around entertaining the guests with aqua aerobics, beach cricket and volleyball. He went and found us the volleyball and at request put up the net across the pool and we had a fun game before lunchtime with some Canadian folks. Yes aqua aerobics had not been skipped either so we were burning calories too. Today was to be a mega burning day. Aqua aerobics does that great thing getting the oxygen back into the body after the alcohol of the night before seems to drain it all away. Alcohol has no good effects apart from the reason why we do it. We were all enjoying very early cocktails I like my rum runners but hadn’t had any lately and couldn’t recall why I think the last may have been in key largo.
It was a Saturday, my most recent one. Today was going to be about enjoying the sun as well and my shuffle and reading a bit too. With that mix of morning activity lunchtime came and it was over to the outdoors lunch area.

72 hours to Antigua
I had 72 hours to reconcile the fact that I was heading to Antigua, with my partner, on Sunday morning. Sure, we had discussed this being a possibility as he needed to return to the island and nurture relationships for his evolving website, which was launched 2.5 years before while he was living there.
A Guide to Nightlife On Dickenson Bay
If you’re coming to Antigua, then chances are good that you are staying at one of the resorts located on the scenic Dickenson Bay. Home to some of the best resorts on the island, Dickenson Bay boasts a beautiful, wide, mile long beach.
A Guide to Jolly Harbour Nightlife
Jolly Beach Resort and Tranquility Bay Bars and Restaurants
Boasting of “The Best Beach By a Mile” the Jolly Harbour area (includes Jolly Beach Resort) represents one of the most popular and frequented tourist areas on the island.

Claudette Peters Biography
Claudette Peters, aka “The Diva” is one of the premier soca artistes in Antigua and Barbuda. With her trademark orange-red locks, Claudette turns heads whenever she enters a room.

Antigua race week party schedule
Check out a list of events here and register your interest online through eventbrite just click the orange ‘button E’ !
Hockey Night at Crows Nest Jolly Harbour
If you are from the big country then you might like Canadian Hockey and you will be pleased to know that now Crows Nest in Jolly Harbour have started showing Hockey Night in Canada on Saturday night, a Canadian tradition. It’s on the big screen on a Saturday. Enjoy.
Nicole Scherzinger in Antigua
She came she saw she worked and partied and tanned up a bit Nichole Scherzinger was hosting her X Factor babies here in Antigua. I wanted to share this link which has more on the story. It’s great publicity for Antigua I’m just pissed that I didn’t meet her 😛
Photo copyright REX /Tom Dymond
Typical Antiguan Music
Coming to Antigua ? Well get in the mood with some music. I found this from hearing it played a couple of times and though this is somewhat of a longer compilation of a base rhythm – but what a sweet one it is. Not too new circa 2011 but its still getting played and appreciated.
The Best of Antigua Carnival
I am doing this extra blog post to show the very best of the carnival, I got a lot of shots and this is going to take some time to get finished. Will be tweeting this as usual with updates but better still to subscribe to this antigua blog !