It was already Thursday day 5 of our Antigua Holiday…our week was moving along.
You really shouldn’t miss St Johns and a fishing tour had fallen into my hands through the luck of happenstance so the morning happened to be free. It was time to journey in and visit the easy capital. There are not many capitals in this world that offer free parking and a relaxed atmosphere yet keep their vibrancy. I have seen many in the caribbean and I can’t think of better sized ones. Not too small not too large. Let me be picky for a moment they could use some more buildings that are as beautiful as St John’s Cathedral.

It really is a pleasant sight on a hot day and really worth the ‘hike’ it feels like as St Johns don’t do sidewalks! Taking your stroller or pram you will be supremely frustrated as indeed if you are in a wheelchair. But do as the locals do in that case and ride on the road the traffic is as slow as need be. There was a demonstration in town of note where the locals donned blue Tees with a slogan I cannot recall but Dalston saw myself and Sanchia there. He lives nearby where I parked up and he said he saw us by the police station. I wanted to get Sanchia’s reaction to a sight that always impresses me against this compact city that of a cruise ship in dock, or two ..or four as can be accommodated. We walked around the various landmarks and soaked up the friendly vibe as we fanned away from the developed quay areas into the real St Johns.
Cruise Ship Antigua
There are no, no go areas its a safe city and country by choice of the locals it looks like.
You might like to wander for a couple of hours and rest a bit, but more was not for me – we had to get going anyway as I had a big deal to look forwards to perhaps – I was not sure. I was to go on a fishing trip ! A sea fishing trip.
Sea Fishing in Antigua…trolling to be precise… I saved that as a separate blog post as it was so big and the most fun thing to blog about I just had to.
I thoroughly recommend you book that tour through tony to get the best rates and grouping people together – its your best chance to get on a proper sea fishing boat with others sharing the cost – it’s mighty hard to do otherwise. Contact us to help arrange your sea fishing experience->

So I got back that evening to find Sanchia had been bothered to a large degree by a beach vendor that simply didn’t take no for an answer and it was the only single negative aspect of the trip. He clearly wanted to do more than sell tours and this guy needs taking off the list or a good smacking. I myself confronted him I think the day after and it wasn’t pretty but he was told in no uncertain terms to stay away from us. I think San had a nice afternoon and evening otherwise and she has enough character to not let that ruin her day. She took this photo.
We had a booking for the Warri Pier that evening and this should be on the list for the best restaurants in Antigua because of the location over the sea by about 50m. First however the resort put on some young dancers wearing colourful costumes. When the water is a little clearer (El Nino was making Antigua less than normal) you can see the snook chasing smaller fish below it transfixes me. I was on a cloud clearly from my fishing tour earlier and wanted to see the fish below but it was too cloudy.

The meal was very nice indeed and service was excellent. It was such a nice experience to dine in the almost open air and above the water.
I was feeling the effects of my fishing trip and all those banks beers I consumed and my body was calling me to sleep. I would try a power nap on the beach Sanchia was way more energetic dancing on the beach from what it looked like from my beach lounger ! I drifted off for a wee while knowing that this could make me even more sleepy but its so desirable…
10 minutes later I went to the bar an dropped a tequila shot inside of me (Fenton saw me from the band stand and smiled) I was not going to let Sanchia down – we were going down Dickenson Bay beach at night to see what was what..
Putters bar was the only place going that had a few patrons Ana’s on the beach which used to be peppers and lime. We congregated near the air hockey and pool table at the very top end and just an annoyingly short time after I considered to put money into the air hockey the guy came and said not to as it would not work. This I had very immediately ascertained myself. He made up for it by saying that the pool table was simply free to use. It was a bit on the worn side but good enough to whoop San’s ass 2 or 3-0. That was that for a very full day one in which I caught my biggest fish ever !