Antigua Currency East Caribbean Dollar – Antigua Money Exchange Rates
Question: What is the Antigua Currency? Answer: East Caribbean Dollar
Canada to Eastern Caribbean Dollar?
US Dollars to Caribbean Dollars?
Pounds to Eastern Dollars?
Travel Money to Antigua
If you are visiting Antigua then it might be wise to download this Antigua Rate Sheet that covers you from Canada the USA and United Kingdom.
I always advise using EC – the short way to say Eastern Caribbean Dollars when in Antigua. Why? Always you get every single amount rounded down to a worse exchange rate if you travel using US dollars. SO try and get your money when in Antigua from the local ATM. Yes you will suffer a fee and maybe a bank fee. Suck that up and its a cost of travel but much better than suffering every single time to buy a beer!
Thanks to Antigua Resorts for the image use. Please feel free to download and take this with you to Antigua you can quickly check the value of things from the table below.
How to use the Antigua Currency Cheat Sheet
You may not even be very familiar with USD! So also you can convert between Canadian Dollar United States Dollar and Great British Pound and Eastern Caribbean Dollar by looking across the lines horizontally. So you want to know how much that cocktail is right? So it’s 20 ECD this is a typical price not the most expensive I might add! Then look for the row with 20 then look across- so it is 7.4 USD or 9.9 CAD or 5.9 GBP. Now you will get to know.
It is also helpful to learn the factor method. So find an easy number which you know your multiplications of. In the case of GBP you see both the ECD is 10 and the equivalent GBP value is 3. 10 is an easier way to do maths. so if you are quoted as 100 ECD you can multiply 3 by 10 (add a zero!)

Antigua Exchange Rate

If you want to convert more currency then I recommend our AI currency converter here:
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