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Businesses for sale in Antigua
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Established Restaurant For Sale in Jolly Harbour Akropolis Steak House
Property for sale in Antigua
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Investing in Antigua
Visit This quick start guide to the Antigua Citizenship Investment Programme with videos and the info you need right now – a veritable ‘boil down’ from the official government page.
It’s not that you can simply go buy a visa but indeed if you have enough money to invest in an Antigua business then you can get a commonwealth passport for Antigua of course allowing you to act as a business person without limit in Antigua. To learn more about the Citizenship By Investment Program check the official government website here. But what you need briefly is to go through the Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIUĀ Antigua and and Barbuda Investment Authority (ABIA) in one of two ways:
- Where a person proposes to make an investment in an approved business of at least US$ 1,500,000 on their own behalf.
- At least two persons propose to make a joint investment in such an approved business totalling at least US$ 5,000,000, and each of those persons individually propose to contribute at least US$400,000 to the joint investment an application or application for Citizenship by Investment may be submitted on his, her or their behalf through an agent.
To start your enquiry follow the link above or contact them here:
The Citizenship by Investment Unit
Office: P.O. Box. W2074, 3rd Floor, ABI Financial Centre,
Redcliffe Street, St. John’s, Antigua
Tel: 1-268-481-8400/1/2 orĀ Fax: 1-268-481-8413