About this blog
This blog was moved from bestantigua.wordpress.com to antiguablog.co.uk for a few reasons (they started plastering ads all over was one annoyance). In the beginning I just wanted to start writing about this amazing island and the experiences I had there but quickly people were interested and it grew haphazardly. It was too big to get round to properly organizing it all and so it exists today. The island doesn’t change fast so don’t worry about the dates of some of the posts too much. I am always happy to hear from you the readers so please I encourage you to drop me a message and I will get back to you normally.
Any corrections are also greatly received.
I hope you enjoy Antigua as much as me.
This blog saw rise a child website https://bestantigua.com
What will become of https://bestantigua.wordpress.com remains to be seen it could be a great place to reblog all that is Antigua with very short posts linking out to other stories about Antigua and Barbuda.